Well “Hello There” and welcome.

I’m Joy, an aspiring artist who does a bit of desk work to get by in life. There was a time when I was able to draw practically ANYTHING! Literally… self portraits, still life, and even cartoon characters. I used to draw all of the time non stop, but then… life happened. I got busy with university… then grad school… then I joined the workforce. Now, I just feel like I want to create! So why not go back to what I love… drawing! I hope this blog brings you a bit of joy throughout your day, as well as, encourages you to use your voice. If you’d like to tag along on the journey, by all means, feel free to subscribe so that you don’t miss out on any updates. 


So Why Did I Start This Blog?…

With this being my First Blog Post, I was very unclear as to what I wanted to write about. Of course, I went to Google and came across this guide, First Blog Post and I found this post to be very helpful. So, if you are also looking to start a blog and need an outline, check out this post. As for me… Why am I blogging in 2019, a year in which YouTube is so prevalent? Fun fact, according to Impact, 77% of internet users read blogs. This gives me hope that I will be able to share my thoughts, ideas, and creations with the world AND someone will read them. Also, with a blog I have more of an opportunity to share my stories the way I want. I essentially have 5 goals that I am hoping to achieve through blogging. My main goal of blogging is to pursue my love of art, this is why I’ve decided to make this an art focused blog. My other goals of blogging include, creating a sense of community, self accountability, encouragement of others, and hopefully money. My primary reason for creating this blog is that it will allow me to pursue my love of art.

As of the start of this blog, I will have 4 separate categories in which I will group my blog posts. The first category is “Art” because when I think of art, I think of life. As in, anything that fuels and ignites my passion for life; that i was i consider art. These things bring me joy and happiness. I will use this category to post anything from craft projects to recipes to financial tips and even blogging guidance. The second category is “Challenges” and I will share any work related to challenges within this category. In the art community, mostly on social media, there are many challenges hosted by various artists. Many of these challenges are geared towards helping other artists practice their skills. And since I’m getting back into the “swing” of things, I will participate in as many challenges as possible to enhance my skill set. The third and fourth blog categories are “Sketches” and “Tutorials”, in which I will focus on and share my drawings.

So, who’s going to read this? How can they get involved?…

I created this blog because I wanted to create a space where I can share my art with others, as well as inspire others to pursue their love of art… hopefully 🙂 seeing as how I’m a newbie artist, or actually revisiting the world of art. This blog will mostly focus on drawing and the steps I will take to discover my style. I also will participate in challenges, that are initiated by other artists, in hopes of improving my skills. Here’s how you can get involved, if you stumble across a posts that you find helpful, please kindly share it on your socials and spread the joy.

One quirky thing about me… I like spreadsheets and bright colors. So naturally, I incorporated both quirks into my blogging goals 😜. Below are my goals for the year of 2020! Yes, that’s right 20-20 haha! I assigned each goal an action item, this helps me believe that my goal is achievable and hopefully…. I’ll achieve my goal!

How do you organize and plan your goals? Let me know in the comments below; Do you also use a spreadsheet to map out your goals? If not, what method do you use?

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